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Challenge accepted?

    Rescuing a dog can be challenging on so many levels, but EverMore and its team is here to support our adopters every step of the way.

    Playing on the term ‘challenge’, we recently asked our adopters to share photos of their EverMore dogs taking on – or indeed overcoming – physical or mental challenges in their daily lives.

    Here are some photos proving they are getting stronger every single day!

    Amanda: Dottie charging confidently through the surf (she was initially scared of the sea when she arrived) ❤️
    Nicole: Annie being mentally challenged by having to wear this coat! She’s not happy… 😃

    Lindie: Little determined Dee gives this her all and usually beats her big sister Lucy 😂 considering Lucy is 4 times her size, I’d say that’s a big win for the little guys 💪 x
    Eunice: Holly resisted chocolate cake because I told her no. She had a treat afterwards for being so good!
    Rhian: Tiring work chasing a ball, now time for a cool off 😎
    Karen: Zana says killing that duck was very challenging! 😳 x

    Jayne: Johnny was Lucky getting the high ground over big brother Jeff 🥰

    Connie accompanies her human Julie with the Stand Up to Cancer walkies challenge, they are half way (77.82 miles) already! Keep it up with the good work!