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It’s pumpkin season…

    Pumpkins are a powerhouse of their very own: filled full with antioxidants, vitamins A, E & C; alongside minerals such as iron, manganese, potassium and copper, which are a must for a dog’s eye health, the immune system, brain function, skin and coat health to name but a few.

    My bestie and me

      We are celebrating our best friend: Dogs. AKA human’s best friend, AKA best buds, AKA BFF… however we call them, one thing is always true; our lives will be less colourful without the laughter, warmth… Read More »My bestie and me

      Pippin has her humans well trained

        Pippin still needs reassuring at times, but quite often her family’s other three dogs give her this without their intervention, they tell us.

        A day out with your dog in… Swansea

          With more than 50 beaches to visit (with varying levels of accessibility), you have a variety to choose from. Coupled with the fact it’s an AOB, there are so many woodland areas to visit, too