A letter from our team
Dear Adopter,
Your rescue dog is due to arrive today – how exciting! To help ensure the smoothest possible transition, stop for a moment and consider your dog’s point of view.
If you’ve adopted an ex-street dog this might be the first time they have ever been inside a home, seen glass/mirror reflections or been exposed to household appliances or electronics. It’s very common for ex-street dogs to be wary of entering narrow doorways, and simple things like changes in floor surfaces (rugs, laminate, carpet) or a wobbly paving slab can be very challenging for your newly adopted dog.
Take a quick look at the photo above. Break things down and you can see there’s a lot for your dog to consider and navigate before they have even set a paw inside your house! Your dog’s previous experience of being indoors might have only involved a worrying visit to a vet clinic or a frightening overcrowded dog pound.
The clang of your metal gate might remind them of a dog trap. The shape of your nice shiny railings might evoke memories of being brutally captured with a catch pole. The smell of cigarettes or your household cleaning products could also elicit scary memories. Whilst living on the streets they had good reason to be hyper vigilant of anything new or unusual in her environment. Many ex-street dogs have experienced significant abuse and trauma.
While you are getting to know each other, please take extra care to take things slowly. Don’t expect too much of them too soon.
We get that everyone wants to say hello, but please ask friends and relatives to be patient and come visit in a few weeks, when your dog has had time to explore your home, to trust you, gain confidence and feel safe. The neighbours and their kids might be super excited to meet your new family member, but introductions can wait a while. Explain that they need time to rest and show them a photo of them instead.
Many people can’t wait to take their dog to the local park, but busy spaces and main roads can be overwhelming for newly adopted dogs. Walks can wait.
Please take things gently and let them explore your home, catch up on much needed sleep and if they are ready, you can play gentle enrichment games at home.
Even if you’ve previously cared for a dog, please ensure you learn all you can about canine body language and behaviour so you can be aware of how your dog is feeling and what they are communicating to you.
If you are patient in these early days, weeks and months you will help give your dog a positive and gentle introduction to their wonderful new life.
We are always available if you need any support at all. Simply contact us.